
Current Postdocs

Mirjeta Pasha

Mirjeta Pasha, Postdoctoral Scholar

Dr. Mirjeta Pasha is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at Tufts University working with Professor Misha Kilmer. As a computational and applied mathematician, she develops algorithms and numerical methods for large scale inverse problems and data analysis. Her research is strongly focused on numerical linear algebra, but she also uses techniques and tools from statistics, numerical optimization, machine learning, and partial differential equations.

Research interests: Large-scale and high dimensional (tensor) data analysis, inverse problems, uncertainty quantification, and machine learning.

Location:  Joyce Cummings Center, 564

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Recent Postdocs with last known position(s)

  • Christian Benes (probability): Faculty, Brooklyn College, CUNY
  • Jens Christensen (harmonic analysis): Faculty, Colgate University
  • Murray Elder (geometric group theory): Faculty, University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Tawanda Gwena (algebraic geometry): Finance
  • Chuck Hague (algebraic groups): Visiting faculty, University of Delaware
  • Thomas Höft (computational inverse problems): Faculty, University of St. Thomas, MN
  • Anton Kaul (geometric group theory): Faculty, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
  • Sang-hyun (Sam) Kim (geometric group theory): Faculty, KAIST, Korea
  • Jonas Lätt (fluid dynamics): Researcher, University of Geneva, and CEO, FlowKit
  • Hao Liang (geometric group theory): Faculty, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
  • Alberto López Martín (algebraic geometry), Postdoc, IMPA, Brazil
  • Peter Love (quantum computation): Associate Professor of Physics, Tufts University
  • Venkateswaran (Venki) Krishnan (microlocal analysis): Faculty, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India
  • Gamal Mograby, Postdoctoral Scholar
  • Mónica Moreno Rocha (complex dynamics): Faculty, CIMAT, Mexico
  • Lisa Perrone (numerical linear algebra): Retraining with US Navy fellowship
  • Adam Piggott (geometric group theory): Faculty, Bucknell University, PA
  • Hans Rullgård (integral geometry): Comsol (software company)
  • Thomas Schuster (tomography): Faculty, Universität Oldenburg, Germany