BA/BS in Applied Mathematics

This major is intended for students who wish to study mathematics with an eye towards applications of mathematics in the physical sciences, technology, data analysis, and so on. There is no distinction between the BA and BS degrees.

Program Requirements and Policies

  • Thirteen courses beyond Calculus II are required to complete the major. 
  • Students in the classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 may choose to use the set of course requirements for majors graduating 2025 and later outlined below. We encourage students to speak with their major advisor about how to plan for a degree that aligns with their future goals.
  • Majors are advised to complete Math 42 or 44, Math 70 or 72, and Math 87 by the end of their sophomore year.
  • With the approval of the Mathematics Department, students may also choose as electives courses with strong mathematical content that are not listed as Math courses. Majors must send an email to request approval. These requests should include the syllabus (syllabi) for the requested course(s). Students are strongly recommended to obtain written approval from the related fields advisor prior to taking the course(s). View a sample list of courses that have been approved or disallowed.

Course Requirements

For classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024

To major in Applied Mathematics, a student must take 13 courses beyond Calculus II. These courses must include the following:

  • The following seven courses: 
    1. Math 42: Calculus III or Math 44: Honors Calculus 
    2. Math 51: Differential Equations*
    3. Math 70: Linear Algebra or Math 72: Abstract Linear Algebra
    4. Math 87: Mathematical Modeling
    5. Math 133: Complex Variables
    6. Math 135: Real Analysis I
    7. Math 136: Real Analysis II
  • One of the following courses:
    • Math 145: Abstract Algebra I
    • Math 61/CS 61: Discrete Mathematics
    • CS 15: Data Structures
    • CS 163/Math 181: Computational Geometry
  • One of the following sequences:
    • Math 125: Numerical Analysis/Math 126: Numerical Linear Algebra
    • Math 155: Partial Differential Equations I/Math 156: Partial Differential Equations II
    • Math 165: Probability/Math 166: Statistics
  • One of the following courses (excluding the sequence chosen in the previous requirement)
    • Math 125: Numerical Analysis
    • Math 126: Numerical Linear Algebra
    • Math 155: Partial Differential Equations I
    • Math 156 Partial Differential Equations II
    • Math 165: Probability
    • Math 166: Statistics
  • Two electives. Math courses numbered 61 or above are acceptable electives. Students may also choose as electives courses with strong mathematical content that are not listed as Math courses, if approved by the Mathematics Department.

These course requirements can also be found on the Applied Mathematics Major Concentration Checklist

*The Math 51 requirement is waived for students who successfully complete Math 153. (Please note, however, that Math 153 is offered fairly infrequently. After taking Math 51, students may still take Math 153 as an elective.) 

For Applied Mathematics Majors Graduating 2025 and later

To major in Applied Mathematics, a student must take 13 courses beyond Calculus II (Math 34). These courses must include the following:

  • The following eight courses: 
    1. Math 42: Calculus III
    2. Math 51: Differential Equations or Math 153: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
    3. Math 65: Bridge to Higher Mathematics
    4. Math 70: Linear Algebra 
    5. Math 87: Mathematical Modeling
    6. Math 133: Complex Variables
    7. Math 135: Real Analysis I
    8. Math 136: Real Analysis II
  • One of the following sequences of two courses:
    • Math 125: Numerical Analysis/Math 126: Numerical Linear Algebra
    • Math 155: Partial Differential Equations I/Math 156: Partial Differential Equations II
    • Math 165: Probability/Math 166: Statistics
  • One of the following courses (excluding the sequence chosen in the previous requirement)
    • Math 125: Numerical Analysis
    • Math 126: Numerical Linear Algebra
    • Math 155: Partial Differential Equations I
    • Math 156 Partial Differential Equations II
    • Math 165: Probability
    • Math 166: Statistics
  • Two electives. Math courses numbered 61 or above are acceptable electives. Students may also choose as electives courses with strong mathematical content that are not listed as Math courses, if approved by the Mathematics Department.