Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

Kindly note, for questions about the admissions process, how to fill out the admissions applications, financial aid, English Proficiency waivers, and the application software, please reach out to the Graduate Admissions team at our School of Arts and Science. Their email address, and additional details about the application process, can be found on their FAQ. For all other questions, please contact:

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Mathematics is intended for students with a bachelor's degree in any field who would like to expand or deepen their mathematical skills for use in the workplace or in preparation for graduate programs in mathematics.

Our program is flexible and can accommodate students with a wide range of backgrounds and goals. Students in the post-baccalaureate program who wish to continue with the MS in Mathematics program may transfer in graduate-level courses (numbered above 100) upon acceptance to that program.

Please consider reading the MS Handbook for further information about the department, keeping in mind that the requirements for the post-bacc may be quite different.

Office of Graduate Admissions

We invite you to learn more about this program.

Program Requirements

  • Students are expected to have strong skills in high-school level algebra and to have taken a full year of calculus before entering the program.
  • A grade of B- or better must be earned for all courses.
  • Courses can not be transferred in from other institutions. If a student has already taken an equivalent course, they must substitute it with an additional course above 120.

Course Requirements

Completion of the certificate program requires four mathematics courses numbered above 51, with at least 2 being numbered above 120*.

*We strongly encourage students interested in entering a master's program in mathematics to take Math 135: Real Analysis I. Additionally, students are strongly encouraged to take Math 65: Bridge to Higher Mathematics and/or Math 70: Linear Algebra if they have not seen the material before, and may be required to if an upper-level course has them as prerequisites.

Mathematics Post-Baccalaureate Certificate — Online Summer Term Intensive Option

Earn your mathematics post-bacc certificate this summer online. The certificate program includes 4 mathematics courses: 2 courses taken in Summer 1 and 2 courses in Summer 2. Students also have the option to start their program in either Summer 1 or Summer 2 and complete the certificate in the fall; keep in mind, most classes in the fall are in-person. For application purposes, please apply for Fall and indicate your interest in the Summer intensive on the application by May 1.