Fifth-Year Master’s Degree Program: BA/MS in Mathematics
The Mathematics Department offers exceptional Tufts undergraduate Math and Applied Math majors the option of earning both BA and MS degrees in five years. Completing the BS/MS program requires students to finish the 120-hour undergraduate degree and the 30-hour master degree in five years. It requires 8 semesters of full-time undergraduate residency and 2 semesters of full-time graduate residency. The 2-semester graduate residency requirement cannot be reduced. Graduate residency can only begin after the undergraduate degree is completed.
Graduates of the Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program receive both a bachelor's degree and a master’s degree from Tufts, and each degree is awarded upon completion of requirements for each portion. In other words, you would graduate with an undergraduate degree with your undergraduate class and graduate with a master's with your master’s cohort once your graduate requirements are met.
Office of Graduate Admissions
We invite you to learn more about this program.
Program Requirements and Policies
- Graduates of the Fifth-Year Master’s Degree Program: BA/MS in Mathematics must complete all requirements for the BA/BS in Mathematics or the BA/BS in Applied Mathematics and the MS in Mathematics.
- Grades of B- or better are required for the master's degree.
- Up to two 100-level courses may be cross-counted from courses taken for the bachelor's. For more information about reserving courses for using in graduate degrees, consult the registrar.
Tuition and Financial Aid
Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program students are responsible for payment for four years of undergraduate tuition and the full cost of graduate tuition. The graduate degree scholarship committee will take the undergraduate degree scholarship package into consideration when making decisions. Learn more about the Graduate School.
Undergraduates should apply to the Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program by the end of the Spring semester of their junior year. Senior year applications will be considered if space allows. For application deadlines, please see the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences' Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program information.
During the early months of their junior year, students are required to contact their academic adviser, in person, to facilitate program planning.
- Competitive applicants will have an overall minimum GPA of 3.5, applicants not meeting the GPA requirement will still be considered and reviewed by the department.
- Applicants are not required to pay the graduate application fee.
- Applicants are not required to submit GRE scores.
- Applicants need only submit two letters of recommendation.